Community Events and Place Activati...

Important Dates:  Post Date: 05-Jun-2023  Deadline Date: Jun-2023

Donor Name: Sign In/Sign Up

Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

Category: Grant

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<dva'l let-dae styl'margin:px 0 10px; th:8%'>g>Dl Epied/n&ns;s;&nbsp&bsp&b&nb;nbsp;nb;&nbpspThe opotnitha you ae oon thas exExi t < f'#s='arlnk>0-J-20</a>/di<pTe Cl s olsacigappton f tConity Ent lacctvtionGra t port c oaistionst devrmmvnts ndiies thatatsa an paeplement atyautre orehes, es ange pasor mmunya iitors.<r<5stongOjvstrog<h5> l> <i> <trg>ogingObctes/tng l> > ork thintcns to oeteop,budapay anctlsluto ititives./l> <l> mond epncmityadultureandesivs, ay a ig, thruot th ar</i < Fser reiv perfrng shrough teaallrsacravsaesbyinttg at nd rfomac iplc fe./i> i Activatsces adpcsoplemetcivit arudownctsores lk nd ensormlies,comy anditor./i> /u> /l> <li trgSar Ojciesstron <ul> l ReviGofordiytre,GosfordWatrotncenr yaiosa atats o ns cl sdntvito ris.<i> lPomoe a gowtr hlbasth nald ulurlasts of heentr Castyhicesble uaaneco-frdl./li> /ul i <5> <songFuningormation/sr</5> <> <l aluavailable er finanilea s$00000.i l> picaoncan badforfdin ut 000 pefinia r,erit, nbundan-kd Coilevcs/li <> h> rgtcomes</r<> ul l Ech appiis eqied oddrs mm of ne of te ll tcesdied: <ui> Qalityporm rcvtoheCtraast adConilThefoowng xpeaa gue sto howouojec/evetmaycie l <li> owasselolaraorheCna otegon.<i> <li nance sesereti,coetond lcal nty<i <i acsblearuber o eopl</l> </l> /li> <l ncred ce ocal arsanr the erla rg. he owigemles r uie tho rojnay buon oa cm: <u li> omt n groworishle th ntrl adultual aetof ena oati waytha s ccssib,sustabeand ofriedl./> <i> &bpThe enteoaikseween unt tual,otinusines nd > Te proje/eenths thni toran of a gfanc/> < < l> Prt trnthest mmuycrain potuniiconeci,ctivtainlsio.T flwaplesgu athyoreen bid h c comni > i ppotsocilat thrugte leion igia and re trisne cuus/ <l> Soin comniy an u evenofetiv.<i> l h pecttendsculural rtsiprondshebi

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e me ungp o$20,r naclyea p activyi comined fing nd iinunc srie.<> /ul <5 <ston>Oustong>/h5 <> <i> alicaton rurt aesainiumohfoowingouom ientfi l> <l u rgapojet/een fr t enl Con uc. llieamls re ida yr prtn ahevthis: <u> Shce th ca e and/ t etrlCas ri/l > Ehdn of cavity nnci, anoideit./l> l> Iscesi to a lge nmfpe.i u < i> Iaseeonomic benfittolea d/oCnta CosteionTfllon xapaeagdaso wyou prect/evet mild thelcleonoy l> < Proesads tum tat ceebratseauan crsss theCtrlCs na tiaele ainl ecny<li l ns;project/ve ncurges ln btcommiy,culr sprg, bsatui</> <li hctv ae potetal gow d becomeregionlsiniice.<li /ul> /li> <i ojecsegn heconity b etgoprtes for nton reaiy, nd cun heoloing exm are a ides o ow u projct/vetmay ulonteloalmuty: <ul <l> Sur recniionoh hcebrat ofAbornlTorsSat Iladrltre.<li> i prtg,mutdcultralt r sal/l <i> Teroj ex to aritc grams a ha t al attrac nadien/l <l> hpoet/ventencage comun agen</i l> The proj/evn wll cntribeoaibant urladcmy liefr the Cra ot/li> <l heprc/evntecougsakehlsaripte inporniueanitiaes./li </> </i <li r/eentaatvasssc a ents,rehre, d repaces rmi cma sortoh Ct efowing xmesae a ieast owyo ect / nmy cieve th: l <i> e traomtonopblicsacsvbrt acserecmuiiete./i tiiehat mw nit bstbteino srts neighhsmk m trat itigand sf./i> l> r oprnitis fr peple onnec w her laleirod.i xpeen t fu d inavidastat gerae omnt eme.</i /l /> </i/l> <5 st>ible cviiestong<5 <u i> Sprting comut n cultvns atpla poaole ihe local cmmuiy anddmonratcnit nef ad caai buid</i <> cithataivatespae i helocaleguhos sch s n cenre, ress, es ndg spaces.i <l> Anv htas rwand fin to aprarcoiy/l> < n inithtrdnerinmnt rduonl rogamshre ntisoetot pulicto t fe harg oaasuiisedat , ca ommnfstivl<<i Ananatity ta prvds oae bne oe etlosrgin,..egionl sptng.<> i>ecsthtinclud h puh ofoxd q

upme tria tapovieseostrtecommnybenft o hife f trant</ l> Cost Pbic Liliisaiked dreclytoth prot.<li> </l<5 srg>gbitCri<rong></h ul> <li> Appis st be <ul <> A eally cotittdnofproiogaison./i> l> n nicpoat cmmitgrcd a ley consttued otfor-rofgaiato.<i <l sies.</i> <u <> <i> pcsst oprt iti theCntrala e r e able test hathepojecl beneftsf the enalCoas muny.<l> > mstuief llbcnsrd fglontit of rft oaspicenpai> <l> Alapis tthegrroraiilt crieidessn ormorfhom oes/<li> neapplcaonerpo fincial aaeusfu inotnin dacosnyofnl&suogt fuiogra.</ <li> Cntrl os bse cmunruemgesr entt areprt GertDeprmn agecies scaR, SSnd VR.< <l Ev ta de a otenvonuaiaiiyi ordcith Concilsuo;Sutain vtnnt Poautaiab Evselies</l < < <tg>nelbilit itea<tro>h5< TeFoowingar Inegble<p> <ul> <l te rioplete aplctin./i> i> Alntswithaverdue cquttaor whh fato ppropratelcquit aprevusCocigrnt</li> > Eprojectsoacivitie aelgio, poit rsecrpuroe, tpuroe ma xcud orfmsofhe broade om<l<i> plictnseeindfretrspecte ojectd tiomn opectitp, ror two2) ms froh ndft grant loingde/l> li alundisig pe</l> li> A roectv, se o ctihch itpnonasesment pe e ot clwi Conlro; Sstale vntnet Policy and unal Evet idene<i li poe, een, svicr actyhi e n ohe assneuld b eter funb te orelGrn,orycorprasoohporapilatoc </> Pos reetepatment, aece oray on i texctioof entatasd coyun rgysviette <i> Prpalsompls o Concllos f trlCoastoil oia pdr voycpaiy)./l>> Propols h liroject,serceoact already exig heLoalGnmenAa.<li> rhse fo bidin.</li> i> Apliainsseinguds frpmdgituhes.<l> i plios seki usfor pesoal bft schra,mo acommonsnldi cotsoura atiutste rio/> <l> Ppsathr frfudithe cbuinssofh oraato< <i ds fs oated a cneenc consosmi Wh lteae doto existo hebovexlions,pnts wil dieordinl.<li </l <> Fo ore omationisit af="s/" trget&quo

t;k"etCoat ouc</a></<>